Five Ways for Landlords to Save Money on Energy This Winter

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Looking to Save Money This Winter? Try These Five Energy-Saving Tips

Are you are a property manager or landlord? If so, ensuring the energy efficiency of the properties you manage or own is just good business. Making the property more efficient saves money on energy bills. With this in mind it makes the property more attractive for potential renters.

So, how can you be sure your property is and stays energy efficient through the coolest months of the year?

Try These Simple Tips: 

  1. Choose Energy-Efficient Equipment
    You may not be able to replace your existing HVAC system, water heater or other appliances right now.
    As the need arises, replace older, inefficient equipment with Energy Star models.
    Energy Star-rated equipment is up to 50% more energy efficient than traditional systems. 
  2. Invest in HVAC Maintenance
    Proper HVAC maintenance and cleaning can help ensure your heating system is in top shape. It is important your system operates as efficiently as possible this winter.
    In addition, ensuring your system is properly maintained can help you avoid breakdowns and costly service calls.
  3. Seal Leaks
    Make a conscious effort to inspect your property for potential leaks.
    Often, the main culprits of energy leaks are faulty windows, missing door seals, poor insulation and more.
    Repair and replace leaks before cold weather sets in to ensure energy efficiency and tenant comfort.
    This will help keep the heat inside and the energy bills down.
  4. Listen to your Tenants/Residents
    Your tenants know your property best. Your residents are the best source of intelligence regarding what’s working well and what isn’t.
    Actively survey tenants. If they’re hearing noises or have noticed drafts, this the time to take action.
  5. Install a Landlord Thermostat
    Whether you or your tenants are responsible for utilities, installing a Landlord Thermostat can help you reduce energy waste and gauge ideal usage.
    In particular, if your property is vacant, installing a Landlord Thermostat ensures an optimal temperature at all times. 

Notably, moving toward energy efficiency has several benefits for landlords and tenants alike. Best of all, you’ll be doing your part to protect our environment. 

For more energy-efficiency tips and tricks, and more information about Landlord Thermostats, visit or contact Landlord Thermostats online today. Save money this winter!

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