3 Ways to Show Your Tenants Appreciation This Spring

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Springtime is an ideal time of year for everyone, but it is also a great opportunity for landlords to show appreciation for their tenants. Ultimately, rental tenants rely on their landlords to keep their living spaces comfortable throughout the year, but landlords can do much more than just handle maintenance and repair orders. Here are 3 ways landlords can show appreciation to their tenants this Spring.


Consider Giving Back to the Community

Do you own a rental complex with many families? A community Easter Egg Hunt could be a great way to show your tenants you appreciate them this spring. Check your local community events hub to find out if something similar is already planned around Easter time and coordinate with other local business and property owners if possible. If no other similar events have been planned, organize your own and invite your tenants to participate in the planning of the event if you like.


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Prepare for Warm Weather

Every rental property is different, and different climate zones have varying issues throughout the year when it comes to the weather. If Spring signals the beginning of the warm season in your area, take time to make your rental properties more comfortable for tenants. Depending on the type of property you own this may involve updating the furniture or other fixtures in common areas of an apartment complex or visit your rental homes and clean the gutters and check window seals to ensure tenants stay comfortable and dry during the rainy season.









Make Yourself Available

Things tend to go wrong at the most inconvenient times, so making yourself available during busy times of the year is a great way to show your tenants you appreciate them. Make sure your tenants know how to reach you in case of an emergency and address tenant concerns as quickly as possible once you learn of them. Ultimately, being a good landlord means offering value in exchange for your rental fee, and showing appreciation to those who rent from you is a great way to preserve your investment for the future.


Springtime is an ideal time of year for everyone, but it is also a great opportunity for landlords to show appreciation for their tenants.


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